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NASU, SSANU Extend Strike Action By 2 Months

The Joint Action Committee of the Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities and the Non-Academic Staff Union of Educational and allied institutions has extended its ongoing strike by two months.


In a joint statement issued and signed by the National President, SSANU,  MOHAMMED IBRAHIM and General Secretary, PETER ADEYEMI, both bodies narrate government’s non-challant attitude towards their demands as reasons for the extension of the industrial action. 

Some of the demands of SSANU include the inconsistent issue of the Integrated Payroll and Personnel information system, unpaid earned allowances, delay in the renegotiation of the FGN, NASU, SSANU agreements, and non-payment of minimum wage arrears.


Others include neglect and poor funding of state universities, non-payment of retirement benefits to outgoing members of the unions, and usurpation of the headship of non-teaching units in clear violation of conditions of service and establishment procedures, among others.


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